The Little Sisters of the Lamb
Recently, Loretto Foundation LLC discovered a unique charity: The Little Sisters of the Lamb. This is a group of nuns who do not possess any material things. They beg daily for their food. They live among the people in the neighborhood where they spread the peace and love of Jesus Christ. Their mission is to spread the good news and announce to those who do not know the name of the Lord Jesus and to give those who already know Him the daily food of the Word of God. Upon returning to their monastery (or local house) they pray for everyone they have met. It is a really simple and basic concept. After hearing about them, we learned that that were performing construction on their chosen residence and had nowhere to live. Loretto Foundation decided to donate the amount required for the sisters to rent the home across the street from their current location for one year while construction is going on. Consider supporting these Little Sisters of the Lamb and of course, pray for the successful completion of their mission. Prayer, friendship and fellowship. Contact them at Little Sisters of the Lamb, 36 S. Boeke St., Kansas City, KS, 66101. lsmonastery@gmail.com 913-621-1727. www.communityofthelambusa.org/
See https://lorettofoundation.com/.com for more information about this fine charity and others we support.