House Rented For Nuns

Little-Sisters-House-300x225Little Sisters of the Lamb recently needed a place to stay while their house was being renovated. So Loretto Foundation, LLC stepped in the cover the rental costs of a house across the street. Loretto Foundation paid for one full year so the nuns could continue their good work.  What do they do? These nuns live among the people in the neighborhood where they spread the peace and love of Jesus Christ.  Their mission is to spread the good news and announce to those who do not know the name of the Lord Jesus.  They give those who already know Him the daily food of the Word of God.  The nuns do not possess any material things.  They beg daily for their food. Upon returning to their monastery (or local house) they pray for everyone they have met. Founder Lamar Hunt, Jr. loves to support causes like this and urges everyone to consider supporting the Little Sisters of the Lamb. Contact them at Little Sisters of the Lamb, 36 S. Boeke St., Kansas City, KS, 66101.  See for more information about this fine charity and others we support.